Fun Weekend Activities For the Whole Family to Enjoy

father blowing bubbles in the air as his daughter chases them

Family time is important. It’s the time when we talk, laugh, cry, have fun and do everything together. Spending quality time with your family will create an unbreakable bond between all of you. You’ll learn how to trust each other, how to help one another and how to make others happy. And that’s all that a family needs, love, trust and happiness. There are plenty of activities you can do together from movie night to taking a cooking class to going on hiking or camping adventures. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do it together.

Family On Cycle Ride In Countryside Smiling At Camera

Fun & Games in the Backyard

Nothing can replace the good old family time in the backyard. Having everyone together, playing games, and making memories in the comfort of your own home is a time well spent. There’s a plethora of fun and unique children’s backyard toys everyone can enjoy. One of the most popular games is Hole in Won. This toy can be made of boards with holes or for a more summer vibe, an inflatable board-like platform with holes.

It also includes several sandbags you should get in the holes. Make teams of 2-3 people and let the games begin. If your family is more into sports, you can get a soccer ball or a basketball depending on your preferences. You and your kids will be entertained and active at the same time. Shoot hoops or score goals to have an amazing afternoon.

If you have a big backyard, you can get a High Flyer. This is a simple aeroplane toy made out of foam. Depending on how you throw it, it can perform different stunts and land in a certain way. Pretend to be a pilot and launch your plane. Have you heard of Zoingo Boingo? This is an interesting pogo stick on a ball. Kids will love to jump around the backyard and perform all sorts of tricks.

They’re great for working on the kids’ balance, coordination and creativity. If you have nice weather outside, you can make hopscotch fun by buying one with sprinkles installed. This upgraded version will keep you and your kids entertained and cooled for hours. Another thing you can do is play some Twister. This simple game is great for improving balance, flexibility and stamina.

Grip Ball can also be fun and keep you active. Flying some kites is never a bad idea. You can buy them in many shapes and sizes or you can have a nice family DIY day and build one as a family. Have a jump rope competition and see who wins. There are hundreds of ways to spend your day in your backyard and not feel isolated. Choose the games your family enjoys and have a wonderful time.

children playing with water guns in a backyard with swimsuits on

Go on a Picnic

Picnics can be very fun to do. They don’t take a lot of effort but can be a great way to make new memories. Keep the food simple, don’t go overboard. Pack your kids’ favourite sandwiches, some snacks or leftovers. Put some crackers, berries, cheese and veggies. Stay away from hot meals and a lot of meat. Keep it light and refreshing.

Get some juice and a lot of water. Choose the location wisely. This can be your favourite local park, a place on the hill or some more remote location. If you’re planning on playing some games with some children’s backyard toys, find a flat location. This way you won’t have to chase the ball downhill every time someone kicks it.

Pack enough chairs or more blankets so everyone can sit comfortably. Avoid glass and bring plastic glasses and serve ware, paper plates are also a good choice. Picnics are great for organising scavenger hunts, a game of hide and seek or just looking at the clouds and recognise shapes. Whatever you do, you’ll have a good time in nature.

a family having a picnic at a park

Visit a National Park

Australia is a land filled with beautiful sights, rare flora and fauna and amazing places to visit. If you want to do something fun and unforgettable, take your family to a national park. This way you can explore your homeland, learn and get a breath of fresh air. The Canunda National Park is stretching for 40km on the wild Limestone Coast. It has breathtaking views of cliffs, coves and moving sand dunes.

The Gawler Ranges National Park is a gorgeous sight of rocky gorges, seasonal waterfalls and deep gullies. It’s inhabited by many animals you can encounter during your walk. Another awesome place to visit is the Yarra Ranges National Park. It’s unique because it has the Mountain Ash trees, which are the tallest trees in the world. There are also plenty of family activities you can do. Choose your favourite place, get some garden toys and embark on a new adventure.

children holding hands with each other hugging a big tree

Go to a Sports Event

Any kind of sport brings people together, especially, families. It doesn’t matter if you’re playing it in your backyard or cheering for your favourite team on the terrain, you’re guaranteed to have a good time. It gives you the opportunity to spend some quality time with your family and bond even more. It brings fun-filled moments that create long-lasting memories.

It’s an exciting way to spend a day. From preparing for the game to watching the whole match and cheering, to sharing your impressions and comments afterwards. Children witnessing the skill and passion of pro athletes will give them the motivation and courage to chase their dreams and improve every day. You’ll become a proud parent of a happy and fulfilled child.

father cheers at a football game carrying his son on his shoulders

Create a Family Tree

Creating a family tree can be a great DIY project for your family. You can start preparing by printing out photos of your parents, your parents’ parents etc. You can do this as many generations as you want. Or you can keep it simple and start with your family so they can build it up as they grow up. Next, get some drawing supplies or any other materials you want to work with.

Check out some diagram templates to get some guidance on how the tree should look and let your imagination free. Give each family member a role and build your tree together. Glue the pictures, write names, dates, colour the diagram or even draw a real tree with branches that show your relations. The options are endless. The only thing limiting you is your imagination.

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